Five Rivers

Products and the PaTS Program

PaTS - Crafting Distinctive Products by Creating Better Lives

Each PaTS product is a one-of-a-kind piece handmade by an artisan from the Yanesha community in Peru. PaTS is a non-profit organization that links the Yanesha with markets in the United States , empowering them to sell their products to earn a living without exploiting their natural resources. The Yanesha are skilled in carving a range of wooden accessories, including tableware, stools, and candleholders, as well as creating naturally dyed and hand-painted textiles and wall art. PaTS's wooden products are all sourced from managed forests. Selectively harvesting trees preserves the Amazon rainforest and its abundant biodiversity. The Yanesha people use sustainably harvested wood to protect the rainforest from clear-cutting by logging companies and to preserve their most precious natural resource for future generations.

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